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Navigation:  Import > TradeStation >


Start TradingDiary Pro.

Click on the Import/Select Import Module menu. Select TradeStation as an importer.


oOpen Tradestation

oClick on the "TradingApps" tab which is usually at the center top

oClick on TradeManager icon (green and red arrows)

oClick on orders tab

oInput desired date range

oClick retrieve orders

oSelect all the data by clicking upper most left cell and copy data.


Do back to TradingDiary Pro. Click on the Import/Import - Paste TradeStation data from clipboard menu.


The software loads the data from the clipboard, parses it and adds all transaction to the database.


Very Important!!!


For successful import the following columns must be added to the order history:





oQty Filled

oFilled Price

oOrder Status



oContract Exp Date


If any of these columns does not exist the software will not be able to process the data.